More Than A Shell

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Being born Muslim and having a Muslim upbringing–however exceptional OR flawed–sometimes gives us a sense comfortability that we have guidance so we are good. We know the drill well: pray 5 times daily, fast Ramadan, give to charity, dress modestly–usually exclusively told to women, memorize a few Ayaat and Surahs, and repeat some sweet supplications, watch popular YouTube lectures and we are set. 

Maybe at one point in our life that was sufficient, and we were getting what we needed. However, overtime we became comfortable, then complacent, and now we are in trouble. Yes our Imaan (faith/spirituality) fluctuates and that’s natural and painfully obvious, but that doesn’t mean the labour on our soul stops, and we abandon being diligent.

There’s bad news: there’s a problem. There’s a threat. We are in trouble. 

Don’t be anxious, because there’s also good news: there’s a solution. 

First we must acknowledge the truth and face a serious fact. Because lies and being in denial is poisonous, and the bane of our collective existence. The devil is real and he is our SWORN enemy–not just of Muslims, but of humanity. His obsession is to lead us all astray by all and any means necessary–far from the path of God’s guidance and ultimately to His mercy.

We need to understand that the devil is not dumb. He knows we are born sin-free and with the God-given innate knowledge of God’s Oneness. Depending on how and where we grow up that knowledge either gets lost or strengthened. Regardless, the devil still has one job to do, and he won’t stop until the last day and he takes as many of us with him as possible. He knows our vices and exploits them; he is meticulous, patient, relentless and sets all kinds of tailored and personalized traps for us.

But what’s the problem and why are we in trouble? Because we feel secure and we think we are safe–when in reality we are not. Living in the age of information, technology and the ever-changing ideologies, there’s a fierce competition for our unwavering attention and frankly for our very being to be owned and controlled. 

Being spiritually stagnant when everything and I mean EVERYTHING is being thrown at us is a dangerous place to be, and no longer an acceptable option–if we want to be saved that is. Nothing is spared from being corrupted. Just look at what’s in our food; we are being poisoned from the inside out, and that is not an exaggeration. Now think about all of the things that have been corrupted and are damaging to our lives.

Furthermore, I’ve observed time and time again that there’s an obsession of having the appearance of a Muslim rather than actually embodying what a Muslim is supposed to be. This overemphasis on appearance (whether done unintentionally or intentionally) and the abandonment of the true Muslim essence left us jaded. We’ve turned into shells. A Muslim shell. Holy on the outside and  hollow on the inside. 

Good news though! It’s not a permanent state, and it’s reversible. I mentioned earlier that there’s a solution, and you already know, but I’ll tell you anyway: it’s the timeless guidance: The Qur’an. We know this however so many of us have not internalized it yet. Allah is so merciful that He did not leave us hanging rather He armoured us with His words of guidance and wisdom, and promised us success to anyone who tried to live their lives with His guidance. It’s the right of every believer to have access to the meaning of the Qur’an, however it’s our responsibility to seek it. Allah repeats in Surah Al-Qamar (54)

وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا ٱلْقُرْءَانَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍۢ

“And We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember. So is there anyone who will be mindful?”

Allah poses a question to each of us that we need to answer for ourselves. 

Is it not the time to begin the work of building, filling and nourishing our spirit with the Words of Allah and the teachings our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? Isn’t it high time we move beyond being the shell of a Muslim and actually BE a Muslim? It’s no longer safe to be spiritually stagnant, because there are powerful forces–often sinister–that are working overtime to sell to us, but the question is: are we buying and at what cost?

I ask Allah to guide us, keep us guided and help us level up spiritually. 


Juweria is one of the founding members of Abāyo House. She is a writer, editor and publisher. She has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from MacEwan University in Alberta, Canada. Juweria is also a Qur’an and Arabic student, and is passionate about furthering her studies and unlocking the spiritual treasures of Islam. She has a decade and a half of experience in community engagement, advocacy, mentorship, and project development and management. Juweria’s life mission is to use her years of experience, training and education to serve and uplift the community, bring about positive change, and create opportunities.


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